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‘For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.’ 2 Corinthians 8:9

Thank you so much for considering offering your financial support to Newton Mearns New Church, charity number SC052877 . We greatly appreciate the generous offering of your time, talents and finance, all of which help us greatly in our mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with one and all. 

If you would like to give to support the ministry and work of Newton Mearns New Church, regular giving and one-off donations can be made by bank transfer or Standing Order to the details below. Please note we do not intend to have cash offerings on Sunday at this point.

Bank CAF Bank           (Charities Aid Foundation
Sort Code 83-91-46
Account 30401581
Name NM New Church


  1. For Bank Transfers please use the the name "NM New Church" (rather than "Newton Mearns"). Also please clearly mark your name in the reference section when you make the transfer, so that we can confirm receipt for tax purposes.
  2. When you set up your donation, please email our Treasurer, Sandy McDougall, at and he will be happy to confirm safe receipt.
  3. If you're a tax payer, please also fill out a separate Gift Aid form and either return it to Sandy in person in church or alternatively scan, sign and email it to him at 

If you'd like any help with making these arrangements, or to discuss the funding of our new church more generally please get in touch using the form below:

(*Mandatory Fields)
*Email Address:


Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

Gift Aid is reclaimed by charities from the government. It comes from the tax you pay for the relevant tax year.  Please note that your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

In order to Gift Aid your donation, please click here to complete and submit a Gift Aid form.

If you are already a donor but unsure whether you have an active and valid Gift Aid declaration enabling the additional tax amount to be claimed by the church, please email the Treasurer at

If you are a visitor to our website or YouTube channel, we are delighted you could join us. You are very welcome, and we hope you have found being with us uplifting and helpful as you consider the person of Jesus Christ and what it means to follow him. We are not looking for your financial support.

Planning your Visit