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 No.2        17th November        


How do you feel as you come to church? This week I read Andrew Wilson's comment on Grace being one of Christianity's most striking features, and this part seemed so appropriate as we meet together, and we come 'empty handed'...
"Rebellious wastrels return home to red-carpet welcomes; work-shy vineyard workers receive far more than they deserved; tax collectors and sinners enter ahead of Pharisees and Bible teachers; last-minute converts enter paradise on the same terms as everybody else. The message is entirely pitched at those whose works do not measure up. 
As preachers never tire of pointing out, there is a chasm of difference between the last words of the Buddha ("Strive with earnestness!") and the dying words of Christ ("It is finished!")."

We don't work towards our salvation but there is lots of work going on as we plan and meet together -  the magazine has a number of details on the practicalities of getting along to Belmont House on a Sunday morning so take a look  - the planning of Sunday services is still being ironed out and we are grateful to those who are working away in the background to make things run as smoothly as possible.

Bumper edition this week - and a bumper week of activities too!   
HOME GROUPS this weekend, Tuesday Coffee Club, Wednesday's PULSE Prayer Meeting, Thursday's Session Meeting ...

Enjoy the mag.
sunday morning
Sunday 19th November
Rev Scott Kirkland
1Kings 18:1-39

From the MinisterScott headshot

Dear Congregation,
Thank you so much for your prayers this week. Anita and I travelled South with extended family to Chester Crematorium where I conducted the service of thanksgiving for my Sister Linda. It was a lovely moment to give God thanks for her life.

Many thanks to Tom Brown for the excellent work he has done in getting the Website up and running so quickly. Please feel free to send helpful comments to the office about the Website (changes needed, errors, improvements etc.) Please send these to

Many thanks to all helped lead worship last Sunday. A special thanks is due to Eilidh Hamilton who managed to create a YouTube channel so that we could livestream our first Sunday. Clearly this was of interest because as I type, there has been over 450 viewings of that first service. You can find the channel  here.

Please “subscribe” to our YouTube channel. This does not cost anything. It is similar to “liking” someone on Facebook. You can go to that channel more easily and see what is happening there. And, it also shows support the channel. You can unsubscribe at any time. See more details down below.

On a different matter….

We know how important and precious family relationships are. Last week in worship we saw how important the church family is, from Hebrews 10. 24-25. We were encouraged by the writer to not give up meeting together as some had begun to do. We need each other so that together we can walk consistently in faith before our Lord. We are to therefore “encourage one another” but also “spur one another on to love and good deeds”. Paul's letter to the Ephesians (2.10) tells us the Lord has prepared us for these good deeds! 
Having left MMCC it is tempting to sit on the side-lines. However, it is biblical and spiritually mature to commit to one another in a local congregation.
We would love you to consider NMNC as your church family for this season, and to do so formally.
We would be delighted to have you seek membership with us. The book of Acts describes believers who, having come to faith, publicly identify themselves and then gather together as a clear body of believers in their location (see for example Acts 2.41, 2.42, 4.23, 13.1-3 etc).
Having now formally separated from MMCC, our elders will meet for the first time as a Kirk Session this coming Thursday, 23rd November. At this Session, we will create a congregational roll. This roll can be added to later of course, but it would be good to have as many “charter members” as possible, not least because it is vital we support one another through this transitional time of congregational life. 
All who worship with us as NMNC will be engaged in conversations about the future of NMNC. However, it will be the formal members who will eventually share in making that decision.
You will appreciate that there are so many aspects to our church life that we are working through. Please might I ask you to be patient with us. However, we want input. At some point we will get together for this purpose. In the short-term, please feel free to contact me at with ideas or questions about our church life.

With warmest regards,

Practical Notes for joining us at Belmont House on Sundays.

Arriving and Parking

There should be plenty of parking spaces inside the school car parks. There will be people on hand to direct you.
There is disabled access and you will be directed to that if requested
If for any reason, you can’t park in the car park, please do not park in Sandringham Avenue. We want to create as minimal a disruption to the neighbours as possible.
If not parking in the car parks, please drive the short distance around the corner to Broompark Drive or Lochbroom Drive. Please park considerately there also.

If possible bring your own Bible.

The Scriptures will however be shown on the screen.

Tea and Coffee:

There will be tea and coffee available after the service.

Lifts to Church: 

Should anyone require a lift to Belmont House School, then please do let us know.
Please email

Ladybird Book of NM New Church

Ladybird book of chairs

Apostles Creed

This Sunday we will take a moment to recite the Apostles Creed to one another. 
Perhaps you don't know what the Apostles Creed is.  You may have heard of 'Chat GPT' - this is an artificial intelligence website which allows you to ask any question (the more relevant the details you enter the better the answers!!) and it will scour the internet and, from all that knowledge and create the 'best' answer - a really remarkable tool!! The Magazine asked the following the question about the Apostles Creed and the reply was given in about 3 seconds.
See what you think...
“I want to explain the history leading up to the creating of the Apostles creed for a magazine of a protestant church in Scotland. Include the significant characters involved and the reason for needing the creed at that time. Give me this in between 100-150 words please.”
ChatGPT's answer:
The Apostles' Creed, a foundational statement of Christian beliefs, emerged in the 4th century amidst theological challenges. As doctrinal disputes intensified, Bishop Marcellus of Ancyra (c. 315-374) and Rufinus of Aquileia (c. 345-410) played key roles in articulating a concise summary of essential Christian doctrines. The need for clarity arose as the Nicene Creed's theological complexities posed challenges for ordinary believers. The Apostles' Creed aimed to provide a straightforward declaration of faith, addressing issues such as the nature of Christ and the Trinity. Its simplicity made it accessible to a broader audience, promoting unity within the Christian community. In Scotland, the creed's adoption by Protestant churches bolstered doctrinal cohesion and served as a unifying symbol during a time of theological divergence and religious change.

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day He rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; 
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. 

Infant: Children: Youth

We have a creche facility, childrens' and youth ministry.
We also have a Sunday evening youth activity on the premises of Belmont School.
speak with Jacob for more info:

Coffee Club


We're delighted to say that with the agreement of Adam Dillon, the Coffee Club continues to be held each Tuesday afternoon in the Maxwell Hall at least until Christmas.
We've a varied programme and the next two weeks look like this:
21st November Board games   Maxwell Message: David 
28th November Musical quiz-  Ian.  Maxwell Message: Marlene 
As ever thank you to all our brilliant volunteers without whom there would be no Coffee Club!
Elizabeth S


Corporate prayer must be at the heart of all congregational life.

No prayer. No life!

This should be the case for at least these three reasons (and more).

  • Gathering for prayer develops the relationship we are brought into with God through Jesus.
  • Gathering for prayer recognizes our shared dependence on God. 
  • Gathering for prayer follows the pattern of the New Testament church (Acts 2.42, 4.24, 12.12 etc).

Therefore I like the name "The Pulse".
As a body needs a pulse to be alive so the Body of Christ needs Prayer like a pulse to be alive!

This week we meet at the McDougall's (The address will be issued by email during the week). Prayer from 7.15pm-8.15pm.

The meeting is open to all who are associating themselves with Newton Mearns New Church. Do not be put off by the fact we are meeting in a home - all are welcome!
warmest regards,

The Bible is a book about...?

How would you answer that question?

things unseen

We have mentioned in the magazine that you can listen to short podcasts (just 6 mins or so) by Sinclair Ferguson called 'Things Unseen' where he takes a bible passage or verse or word and helps us reflect on it. If you struggle to find a moment to focus on God's Word each day this is a great help.
This week's link is here on the webpage or here on Spotify and it is solid gold!!
In this short 'message' not a word is wasted - every sentence has something worth considering. And, "The Bible is a book about..." is one of them - have a listen and find out what the person he was quoting said the answer was!
Why not 'bookmark' this webpage or follow on Spotify and get a message each day.

Greeting to New Church, Newton Mearns

brian more

I’m writing on behalf of the Baptist Church in Newton Mearns.

We wish to express our prayerful hope for the church now meeting from today in Belmont School. Our congregations have known a warmth and sense of unity in our love of the Gospel and our fellowship in the Lord Jesus. We have appreciated that greatly.

Whilst saddened by the need for such a chosen outcome for you all, we are sympathetic, understanding and supportive of your allegiance to the Gospel which for some makes such decisions necessary. These matters serve also to deepen and multiply our prayers for God to revive and renew the church in Scotland and all over the world.

Be assured of our openness to share fellowship and where/if appropriate-helpful buildings and resources for the sake of the kingdom of God in Newton Mearns. As people we have a shared desire to see many encounter Christ and that may offer for our churches new ways to share in the joy and the mission of Jesus Christ.

Hoping your inaugural services begin well and that you will know the nearness of God as you gather for worship today.

On behalf of the leaders and congregation of Newton Mearns Baptist Church

Rev Brian R More

"Religion just causes fighting!"

Maybe you have heard that line or something similar thrown out from a friend, or colleague. 
Especially these days you may hear that sort of thinking more and more as part of any discussion around the day's news.

But what is the answer to that sort of comment - after all , behind it, is a comment about YOU!!
I heard it last week, even though it came with the typical caveat "No offence but..." 

The late, Tim Keller was particularly good at challenging that sort of lazy thinking, even when he was facing up to some heavy weight atheists. Here is a snapshot from his book, Reason for God.

Does orthodox religion lead inevitably to violence?

Christoph Hitchens, the author of God is not Great: How religion poisons everything, argues that it does. In his chapter ‘Religion Kills he gives personal account of religion fuelled violence in Belfast, Beirut, Belgrade, Bethlehem and Baghdad. His argument is that religion takes racial and cultural differences and aggravates the. …religion has been an enormous multiplier of tribal suspicion and hatred.

Hitchen’s point is fair. Religion ‘transcendentalizes’ ordinary cultural differences so that parties feel that there is a cosmic battle between good and evil, This is why Hitchens argues that ‘religion poisons everything’. So it would seem. Christian nations institutionalised imperialism, violence, and oppression through the Inquisition and African slave trade. …Islam is the soil for much of today’s terrorism, while Israeli forces have often been ruthless too. Hindu nationalist, in the name of their religion, carry out bloody strikes on both Christian churches and Muslim mosques. All the evidence seems to indicate that religion aggravates human differences until they boil over into ware, violence and the oppression of minorities.

There are problems with this view, however. Communists Russian, Chinese and Cambodian regimes of the twentieth century rejected all organised religion and belief in God, A forerunner of all these was the French revolution, which rejected traditional religion for human reason. These societies were all rational and secular, yet each produced massive violence against its own people without the influence of religion. Why? Alistair McGrath points out that when the idea of God is gone, a society will ‘transcendentalise’ something else, some other concept, in order to appear morally and spiritually superior. The Marxist made the State into such an absolute, while the Nazis did it to race and blood. Even the ideals of liberty and equality can be used in this way to order to do violence to opponents. Violence in in the name of Christianity is a terrible reality and must be both addressed and redressed. There is no excusing it. In the twentieth century, however, violence has been inspired as much by secularism as by moral absolutism. Societies that have rid themselves of all religion have become just as oppressive as those steeped in it. We can only conclude that there is some violent impulse so deeply rooted in the human heart that it expresses itself regardless of what the beliefs of a particular society might be – whether socialist or capitalist, whether religious or irreligious, whether individualistic or hierarchal. Ultimately, then, the fact of violence and warfare in a society is no necessary refutation of the prevailing beliefs of that society.


Have you subscribed to the New Church  - please do so. it's completely free.
We aim to live stream our services on YouTube each Sunday. You can find the service here.
You can also find the service by searching on YouTube for Newton Mearns New Church.

Giving to NM New Church

We now have our bank account, and details on how you may care to give will be distributed at worship on Sunday.

We will prefer not to have cash offerings in a plate at this time.

Sandy McD is the person to speak to about your Giving if you have question - whether one off donations or standing orders 
There are some details on the website  - click here.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
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pray now
There is a Pray Now group for NM New Church members. 
This is set up with the focus very much on church family prayer requests, which are of some urgency.
Because it is often personal information that people are asking prayer for,  the group can be accessed by request.
Get in touch with Margaret Boyd if you want to be on this WhatsApp group  or drop her a line at

Blythswood Boxes

Details of Blythswood's Shoebox Appeal is here.

More boxes sorted and checked at MMCC this week - even though they were hindered by some nasty plumbing issues.
Keep them in your prayers.

Denise writes:
Running total for Blythswood is 3608.
That's really good considering all the plumbing/sewage pouring through the garage ceiling problems we've had to contend with this week.
Lesley and I cleaned all the affected areas with bleach and it is totally safe for all volunteers etc.

We are short of the usual -
Men's underwear
Shaving gel/cream
Men's Razor's
Notebooks for all ages
Everyone is welcome to come and help check the boxes for Moldova. Just tap on the garage shutters / fire door and a warm welcome is assured.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-11-09 at 1

Our friends at the Baptist Church are getting an early start to help us focus on the message of Christmas....
We are hosting Riding Lights Theatre group here at Mearns Baptist for a family nativity play and wanted to extend an invite to any of your congregants who would like to attend.  It’s on the 1st of December and so hopefully won’t clash with any of your own Advent 
give it back mak


Planning your Visit