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Our Youth group has many exciting activities and opportunities for young people to make friends, grow in their faith and serve alongside the adults in the church. Please speak to Jacob for more information.

If you are new to the church and wish to find out more about the youth activities, then please visit our Contact Us page.

Our Youth Group is for you if you are between the ages of 11-19 (S1-S6). We believe that the youth of our church are not 'the next generation', they are 'the current generation'. Therefore we value our youth family enormously. We aim to provide our youth with with a safe place to come together, learn together from the word of God, grow in faith together and encourage each other with all the challenges life can throw in our direction. 

We would love to welcome you or your young person to one of our weekly events. For anyone who has never come along before please speak to Jacob or email him at alternatively contact the office and we will be pleased to provide information or answer your questions.

We meet every Sunday evening, S1-S6 from 7pm to 9pm.

Each Sunday night youth group revolves around our weekly teaching programme.
We share from the Bible and provoke conversation around the biblical topics and investigate their relevance and application in the lives of the young people. 
Each night also, of course, involves games, activities, snack, drinks and occasionally a fire pit with marshmallows depending on weather & temperature.

Anyone of any faith or no faith at all is welcome, and every young person of any age has a place here.


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