Children's Ministry
Do you have children you'd like to bring to church? We run programmes for children of all ages!
Please contact Pauline, our Family and Children's worker: |
Our aim is to make sure every child can learn about the love of Jesus in a safe and welcoming environment. Our children's leaders are appointed through interview only, are Disclosure Scotland checked and safeguarding trained.
We want the children to have great fun whilst learning more about Jesus and meeting with Him. Children stay with their parents at the start of the service as we worship together for the first part of the morning then they will usually gather at the front for an age-related talk. The children will then leave for their age-specific activities. You will need to go with your children and register them the first time they attend.
HizKidz (Primary school) and
PrimeTime (teens) meet on Sunday mornings during worship.
Creche (0 - 3 years).
HizKidz Nursery - P7
Prime Time S1 - S3
Messy Church is a way of being church for families involving fun and finishes with an evening meal. Gatherings are held on a seasonal basis (see the church calendar).
Watch this space for future episodes of Messy Church!
Messy Church...
is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour
is found across the world
holds values about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration
is part of the Bible Reading Fellowship which believes, with the historic churches, in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
For more information about what happens in the children's work
please contact us.