No.5 8th December 2023
Hope this finds you well.
It's a really busy magazine and I hope you have time to consider both the reflective pieces on Advent and take on board the news on upcoming events.
We are looking forward to the
Light in the Darkness event - great opportunity to bring friends and family along - pray for the leaflet which will go into the homes around Belmont. But as I read this week,
we can't rush to the stable too quickly - we need to pause and consider the darkness which made (and makes) the One who is the Light coming into the world, so necessary. Last week Scott took us back to the garden of Eden - and because of that it is the people living in darkness who have need of a great light - not the people 'perfect as they are', or people needing to give their lives a bit of a sprucing up - it is the darkness of rebellion against a loving Ruler seen at Eden, which is still with us - in the news headlines, in our family and work situations, and even in our hearts. By God's grace, we have been called out of darkness into the light of Christ's kingdom, and adopted in God's family... which makes the article below regarding
'Conversion Therapy' such a sharp attack on the Bible's doctrine on Sin, the desperate mess of the human condition and how the Gospel message calls people to repent from sin. Can I encourage each of you to read carefully, and if you can, to sign the document.
Enjoy the mag.
Sunday 10th Dec
Rev Scott Kirkland
John ch1:1-23
"Witnesses are so important"?
Getting to Church:
Should anyone require a lift to Belmont House School, then please do let us know. Please email
From the Minister
Dear Congregation,
I can hardly believe we are we are now well into December!
It will be a delight to spend Christmas in worship with one another, for the first time, as the fellowship of “Newton Mearns New Church”. You will see in the magazine below the schedule of services. Please do come along, but please also bring a friend/family member!
A couple of highlights: We shall have a special evening of praise on 17th December at 7pm. Please do ask a friend/family-member/colleague/neighbour to accompany you. We hope to put some flyers through the doors of our new neighbours at Belmont School. (Please note the evening will not be live-streamed.) We shall also worship on Christmas Eve (7pm) and Christmas Day (10.30am).
Birthday thanks: Thank you for all the pleasant expressions of celebration last week (including cards/gifts) for my significant birthday! Glad you were able to enjoy some cake after worship. However, it did demonstrate how messy a birthday cake with this kind of frosting can be for the floor! Sorry! I appreciate greatly all who helped serve and also those who cleaned up! And, to all who asked questions about my hair in the PowerPoint after worship; yes it was real, yes there was that much of it and yes it was that red!
Our Kirk Session will meet again this coming Monday (11th). We are still bringing several of you onto our congregational roll. Please note we cannot bring anyone onto our church roll without a request from you. Consequently, please email me if you would like to be included (members of Maxwell, members of other congregations and especially those of you who would want to profess faith for the first time). If you have any doubts as to whether you have been included on the congregational roll of Newton Mearns New Church already, please feel free to contact me. It is likely that by the end of the Kirk Session on Monday night we shall have 110 formal members of NMNC.
We are looking forward to the next stage of our journey together as a congregation. We have been incredibly encouraged by the journey so far and we are eagerly looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us. We are delighted that all who worship with us will be part of this next phase of congregational life. Those have been received into formal membership of NMNC will have a substantive part in the discernment process. We shall hope to say more of this after Monday.
We have also formed a “Deacons Court”. This “court” will look after the financial and physical aspects of our congregational life (something akin to the Congregational Board). The elders will act as our deacons in the short term. However, we are in the process of creating teams of gifted people to help the various aspects of our congregational life function well.
Look forward to seeing you on Sunday,
Warmest regards,
Answering 6 Objections to the Virgin Birth
Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 1:13
A short series on the truth of the doctrine of the Virgin Birth.
6 reasons are suggested by Mitch Chase - here are the first two.
Holy Scripture teaches that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. This is the doctrine of the virgin birth—or, to be more precise, the virginal conception. This teaching has encountered objections over the years, and there are good responses to each of them.
Objection #1: People back then would believe anything.
This objection assumes the gullibility of ancient people when it comes to childbearing. Someone might say, “People in that era didn’t know any better, and they were willing to believe in things like a man born of a virgin.” The idea in the skeptic’s mind is that the ancient world was simply unscientific, and we enlightened people know better than to believe silly myths and tales of things like a virgin giving birth.
While there were certainly false beliefs in the ancient world due to scientific ignorance, how babies were made was not one of them. Even the Gospels are forthcoming about Joseph’s reaction to Mary’s pregnancy. He doesn’t initially assume a virginal conception. He assumes her sexual unfaithfulness. The only reason Mary would claim a virginal conception is her commitment to the truth, and only a compelling reason would convince Joseph of the virginal conception. According to Matthew 1 and Luke 1, an angelic explanation was sufficient for Mary and for Joseph.
Objection #2: We know that a baby can’t be virginally conceived.
Exactly. We all know this, which is why it was so astounding when it happened. Christians insist that the virginal conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary is supernatural. Natural mechanisms did not accomplish the conception in Mary’s womb. God performed a miracle, and Mary was with child.
People who object to the miraculous notion of the virginal conception need to consider whether they have objections to the miraculous elsewhere in Scripture. The Bible is full of the wonders of God. Luke 1 reports a miracle. But if you believe Genesis 1, nothing in Luke 1 is too difficult to believe.
Objections #3 and #4 answered next week!
Advent Daily Reading
If you are looking for a daily Advent reading it's not too late - this
link will take you to the
Download or set a bookmark and take a moment each day to consider Advent:
WEEK 2 (Peace)
Bethlehem Candle (Mic. 5:2; Isa. 9:6)
WEEK 3 (Joy)
Shepherd Candle (Luke 2:20; Isa. 35:10)
WEEK 4 (Love)
Angel Candle (Luke 2:13–14; John 3:16)
WEEK 5 (Faith)
Christ Candle (John 1:29; Eph. 2:8–10)
Written by Megan Hill, on behalf of the Gospel Coalition who write:
" Each day you’ll receive a new entry, taking you right up until Christmas Day. My prayer is that this resource helps you experience a renewed “thrill of hope” as we look forward to Christ’s birth with joyful expectation."
Proposals On "Conversion Therapy"
Let Us Pray Campaign Against Broad Legislative Proposals On "Conversion Therapy"
I have added my signature to a letter being sent to the Government on this matter of legislation around "conversion therapy". This is a new expression to me and I was shocked to read what is being proposed.
I have no doubt that somewhere, abusive behaviour is undertaken in the name of religion especially in regard to matters pertaining to sexuality and gender. Abuse is always appalling and we should seek to eradicate such horror from all parts of our society.
However, the legislation being considered seems so broad that it could potentially criminalize even conversations about these matters in the family and in the church. It could even potentially criminalize prayer.
Follow the issues
If you also want to attach your name to the letter, you can do this here.
Saturday 16th December at 10am live on YouTube,
Enjoy this online Christmas concert watching from the comfort of your own home as you are having your morning coffee or
I will be accompanied by a couple I met at the ante-natal classes who were having a baby at the same time.
They happened to be a concert pianist and a composer!
It will be some traditional songs, some modern songs and an original or two.
It will be live on my YouTube channel which you can find here.
Christy Campbell.
David Swan writes:
Christmas is a very hard time of year to be in prison. Each year a selection box is given to every prisoner in HMP Edinburgh and they use these for their visitors (including children) over the Christmas season. At short notice, the normal provider, Common Good, has run out of funds and cancelled. Junction 42 would love to be able to help SPS with this and bless the individual prisoners this year.
We need £925.
Would any of the amazing folk in Newton Mearns New church be able to contribute towards this?
The link for donation is HERE - if you are able to help, please put “Christmas packs” in the message box so I can track it internally.
If you can’t do it online, please chat to Sue Amery-Behr and she can facilitate any donations.
The Peace of Acceptance
“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.” Luke 2:20
Lord Jesus, I woke up this morning praying for friends who will need extra grace to make it through the rest of December, including Christmas. For many, the merriment of the season contrasts with the brokenness they’re feeling. The Day of all things new looks better and better for those whose lives are marked by all things “messy.” You “get” that, Jesus. More importantly, you care and you come near. You still do.
Choosing shepherds as the first recipients of your birth announcement was brilliant, beautiful, and deeply encouraging to us, Jesus. The shepherds got one of the first glimpses of your incarnate self—God as a baby. They beheld and marveled at your smallness, weakness, and utter dependence on your mother. You created Mary and came to save her; and she nursed you—giving her milk to the one who feeds the birds and clothes the fields. Holy, holy mystery… the greatness of smallness.
But when the shepherds left your manger, they were still “shepherds.” “Unfairness” was written all over their story. They still couldn’t worship at the temple, though they raised sheep for temple sacrifices. They still couldn’t give testimony in a court of law. Profiled as untrustworthy members of the community, they didn’t get a book deal, start a podcast, or get free falafel in the marketplace.
They returned to a difficult life, the social stigma of being shepherds, and a denarii-to-denarii existence. At one level, nothing changed; but in what matters most, everything changed. Jesus, there’s something magnificent about accepting things we cannot change—not acquiescing to injustice, but experiencing the deepest peace while we steward the greatness of our brokenness.
It won’t always hurt like this, but it does now, Jesus. We’re not looking for lessons to learn in our shepherd-like messes, but for you—the Good Shepherd. You laid down your life for us. Surely we can trust you with everything else. So Very Amen.
Thanks again to the team of volunteers who make the refreshments after church on a Sunday so willingly...and there is another group who. behind the scenes, have been making some delicious treats.
We had cupcakes topped with donuts one week (which I'm sure was the sort of thing which led to the fall of the Roman Empire) and then Lorna also produced biscuits with Bible verses - a taste of heaven...kind of...
Congratulations to Daniel!
The New Church has a What's App Group for Prayer
There are now over 100 people on the WhatsApp PRAY NOW group for the New Church
See magazine no.4 for an outline of how this Pray Now group operates.
In short it is for things which arise which spur, what are often referred to as 'arrow prayers'
These are pleas to the Lord in the moment of need, which are not part of our usual prayer life you might say.
If you want a great example of someone who practiced this, look to Nehemiah - your homework this week is to look at ch1 and ch2 of Nehemiah and see the different prayer styles and the Arrow Prayer shot up in a time of need.
Speak to Margaret Boyd if you would like to be added to this group or email your details to
You need WhatsApp on your phone to get set up.
If you haven't been to the Prayer meeting before you are welcome to come along.
This week we meet at Sandy and Debbie MacDougall's.
The meeting is open to all who are associating themselves with Newton Mearns New Church.
Coffee Club
The program for December is;
12th Gathering round the tables to chat about what Christmas means to us. Maxwell Message: Elizabeth
19th Christmas Special. Come and join us for festive food and entertainment from Ian and Sandra. Maxwell Message: Sandra
Elizabeth S
Ladybird Book of the NM New Church
Additional Support Needs post
We are delighted to advertise a brand new post for developing our ministry to children and young people with Additional Support Needs.
This link takes you to the information you need.
Tim Raynes
We aim to live stream our services on YouTube from our first Sunday. You can find the service
You can also find the service by searching on YouTube for
Newton Mearns New Church.
There are a number of activities each week involved in getting set up for each service...putting up this banner for instance!
We want the whole body of Christ to become involved in our new congregational life.
Should you wish to volunteer in any way, from the beginning, please do let us know.
Please do consider volunteering if only for Sunday set up and take down.
We shall work out rosters over the coming weeks.
Giving at NM New Church
We now have our bank account, and details on how you may care to give will be distributed at worship on Sunday.
We will prefer not to have cash offerings in a plate at this time.
Speak to Sandy McDougall for more details or click on this Giving page.