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 No.10        19th January 2024   


Hope this finds you well. 

The magazine has a number of notices for events happening at Newton Mearns New Church and further afield.
Look out for the details of these events below
  • Slavic Gospel Association Ladies Conference on Zoom. 19th January. 
  • UFM - Local Church, Global Mission day conference.  Saturday 3 February 2024
  • Let Us Pray Glasgow Conference  Saturday 17 February
  • New Church Congregational meeting and vote - February 25th. 
  • Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World  -  Mon 22 April
  • Inspiration Orchestra Festival - Sat 25th May
Week to week though there are things starting too...
ie Cafe Connect is starting this week and the Home Groups are back up and running too... this session we are in James. 
James is always viewed as being a particularly practical book on how the Christian life should look in the real world... along those lines, I read this prayer earlier this week - it asks for help to really understand how much the Lord has done for us and put it into action...

"To be honest, in some of the places, stories, and relationships you’ve placed us, it’s easier to withhold your grace than to think about investing it. So we abandon ourselves to you for help, Father.
To “forgive as you have forgiven us” in Jesus (Eph. 4:32) is basic, daily, and not too difficult most of the time. But some situations require wisdom from above and a willingness only your Spirit can give us. For starters, make the truth of how you have forgiven us real, precious, and current. Without fresh humility and gratitude, we’ll continue to “call down fire” on certain people, rather than having any desire to spend your grace on them.
To “accept others as you have accepted us” (Rom.15:7) can also be “tricky.” Father, how do we accept others with whom we disagree on important matters? Show us how to be caring without compromising truth. Help us build bridges of grace, curiosity, and kindness… as opposed to walls of fear, self-protection, and self-righteousness.
Help us choose the risks of a gentle heart over the certain dangers of a hard heart.
Help us and grace us, Father. So Very Amen."

Enjoy the mag.
sunday morning

Sunday 21st January, 10.30am

Rev Scott Kirkland
Romans chapter 1
'Letter from Rome'

Getting to Church:  Should anyone require a lift to Belmont House School, then please do let us know. Please email

From the Minister 

Dear Congregation, Scott headshot

Home Groups: We will be re-launching our Home Groups next Sunday (28th). Would you like to be part of one? Please contact me.  
(more details below)

I thought it was timely to give you an update on our congregational (and my personal) journey at this time. 

A brief note on NMNC finances:
We are thankful to God that so many of you have contributed to the Lord’s work in our new congregation. You have secured our present financial needs and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to the life of our congregation with a healthy flow of bank standing orders. We thank God for your financial giving.

Currently we have a Deacons Court populated by our nine elders. The Deacons Court looks after the finances and fabric of the congregation. (We have been buying some small items of equipment etc.). Each meeting of the Kirk Session and the Deacons Court has benefitted from the presence and participation of former elders of MMCC (but no longer on the NMNC Session) our previous Board chairman Tom and Board clerk, Lorna. Their contribution is hugely valued and we hope this will continue into the future. 

Sandy McDougall has been appointed treasurer at NMNC and we have created a Finance Team to support Sandy in this role. The Finance Team (FT) includes three elders, Sandy, Murray and myself and three members from the congregation; Lorna, Cara and Lawrence. I am sure the FT will produce some financial information in the near future. Please don’t hesitate to contact Sandy for information or help in regard to congregational finances. 

Belmont School: 
We are delighted to tell you that we shall be able to worship at Belmont for the foreseeable future.  We are so grateful to the management of the School for their accommodation of us. We want to pray for ways we can bring blessing to the life of the school. 

The Manse: 
Following exploratory discussions with the Church of Scotland on renting the manse, we have come to a view that it would be better for all if Anita and I found alternative accommodation. Rental prices around this area are high and for the same money we have found a suitable property in Jackton. The house is just a 10 minute drive and we shall provide more details when we have secured the lease and gained entry. Our aim is to begin moving on the 26th January and we hope to hand back the keys of the manse to MMCC that week. Anita and I would appreciate your prayers for the move. 

The Future:
When we departed from the Church of Scotland on 12th November 2023, we did so with the stated intention of continuing the Presbyterian heritage of our congregation. After considerable prayer and reflection, our elders at that time unanimously decided that we should also seek to retain the governance/oversight of a denomination (rather than becoming an independent congregation). In keeping with our Presbyterian heritage, we also wanted to retain the same theological framework in which our congregation was first planted as a Church of Scotland. Our unanimous conclusion was to seek membership as a congregation with the The Free Church of Scotland, the second largest Presbyterian denomination in Scotland. The elders ask that I serve as the minister of the new congregation and therefore I began the process of applying to become a Free Church Minister.  

My personal application may be described in 5 steps:   
  • Interview by the Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery Personnel Committee (completed) 
  • Interview by the whole of Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery (completed) 
  • My name circulated around all the Free Church Presbyteries in Scotland for objections concerning life or doctrine. (completed) 
  • Interview by the Free Church Board of Ministry (completed) 
  • Approval by The General Assembly (May 2024 -or a Commission in March). This is still to be finalised.

In regard to the congregation there is a separate process.  
  • Delegation of Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery to meet with elders (completed) 
  • Formal application to Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery 
  • Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery delegation to meet with the congregation of NMNC.
  • Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery apply on behalf of the congregation to the General Assembly (with reference to other relevant committees). Final acceptance would be at the May Assembly. 
We have completed stage (i). A delegation met with all the former elders of MMCC who were available for that meeting.  
Before we move to stage (ii), we will have a formal meeting of the congregation of NMNC and a vote to proceed. The elders are currently working on a procedure for capturing these votes. The result of that vote and other congregational statistics will form the content of the application to Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery (FC).
We intend for the congregational meeting and vote to take place on February 25th after worship. Please put this date in your diary. It would be good if all members of NMNC could attend and participate in that meeting. 

We have been exploring the Free Church for many months now. We believe that the Free Church, as it has become in our generation, will be a good fit for us and us for the FC.  
We were greatly appreciative of the preaching of Rev David Meredith (Director of Mission) when we were still part of MMCC. More recently, Rev Jonathan De Groot led parts of our worship which was received equally well by us. Jonathan answered questions about his experience of coming from the Church of Scotland into the Free Church. (Sheona his wife also spoke so helpfully.) Many expressed how helpful their time with us was.  

In the coming weeks, we will welcome David Trimble. David is a “Minister in Training” with the Free Church. He was part of the same cohort as Daniel at Cornhill and is from Northern Ireland. On 18th February we will be joined by Paul Clark, minister at St Andrews Free Church. Paul will preach and has kindly agreed to answer questions after worship about the Free Church generally and more specifically about his own experience of entering the Free Church from the Church of England! (As you can see even by this small sample, The Free Church is fast changing in the profile of ministers (and we could add, members).) Paul Clark is currently the chairman of the Free Church Board of Ministry (a panel which interviewed me).  

We hope the presence of these Free Church visitors will help our understanding of the Free Church and demonstrate the continuity we anticipate between our current practice / ministry and that which we envisage as a Free Church Congregation.   

It is planned that we shall submit the application to Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery on 29th February (this is a “leap year”!).  The Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery will then send representatives to address our congregation. We anticipate this will be on either Sunday the 3rd or 10th of March.  

If all is well at that stage, the application will then be presented to the full Presbytery in March and their approval will be sent to via various committees for approval at the General Assembly in May. 

I wanted to keep you abreast of our progress on these matters and I hope the above helps to that end. 

With warmest regards,

Ladybird Book of NM New Church 

Ladybird book of bald patch

Midweek Prayer Meeting - Wednesday

All Welcome!
7.15 - 8.15pm
Meeting at Debbie and Sandy McDougall's.
If you need a lift please email

“I Felt My Heart Strangely Warmed”


On Sunday Scott retold the account of John Wesley - a moment in Wesley's life he could see as God working in his life to bring him to life.
Can you think back to such a time in your own life?


The story of John Wesley being strangely warmed happened on 24 May 1738.

John Wesley had opened his Bible at about five in the morning and came across these words, “There are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, even that ye should partakers of the divine nature.” He read similar words in other places.

That evening he reluctantly attended a meeting in Aldersgate...

In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.

I began to pray with all my might for those who had in a more especial manner despitefully used me and persecuted me. I then testified openly to all there what I now first felt in my heart. But it was not long before the enemy suggested, “This cannot be faith; for where is thy joy?” Then was I taught that peace and victory over sin are essential to faith in the Captain of our salvation; but that, as to the transports of joy that usually attend the beginning of it, especially in those who have mourned deeply, God sometimes giveth, sometimes withholdeth, them according to the counsels of His own will.

  Home Groups


Groups start again next weekend

- make sure you get a copy of the study book from your leader at the weekend.

Not been involved before - speak with Scott to be slotted into one of the groups. Meeting every 2nd week. 
They are informal, meeting in someones house. No one is put on the spot and naturally folks are all at different levels of knowledge and experience in the Christian life. Share if you can, listen to others, learn from God's Word .

We are looking at James this session with the help of a study booklet...
"Six studies showing you the difference between genuine and fake faith—and how real Christianity makes a real difference.
Many churches, and many believers, long for a deeper, more whole-hearted Christian life. But what does that look like? James wrote his letter to show us.
This deeply practical book of the Bible shows us what genuine faith looks like. These six sessions will reveal to groups and individuals how to experience joy in hardships, patience in suffering, and whole-heartedness in how you speak, act and pray."

Cafe connect logo

Tuesdays at 1.30pm
in Newton Mearns Baptist Church.


Cafe Connect starts up this Tuesday in Newton Mearns Baptist Church.
We look forward to welcoming back regular guests and would love to also welcome new guests.
This week Scott will be bringing our brief bible based talk, Bible Connect. Music has been a regular feature of our programme and for that we rely on the talent of members of the congregation. If you play an instrument and are free occasionally on a Tuesday afternoon please speak to me or contact the church office and I will get back to you.
Thanks, Elizabeth Smith 

God's Wordle


Last week we mentioned God's Wordle daily Bible challenge - each day has a verse and challenges you to see if you know where in the Bible it comes from.
Easy, Normal and Difficult options means you can just try and guess which book, or which book AND Chapter...or try difficult and guess which Book AND chapter AND verse.
Click HERE to go the game page.

Sue AB sent in a link for another game - those who have played the original Wordle puzzle will know this concept well but this is with words found in the Bible. Try it HERE

Newton Mearns New Church


Sue Anderson has kindly agreed to act as NMNC's Safeguarding Coordinator.
Following NMNC's recent registration with Volunteer Scotland that supports Disclosure Scotland to ensure that those working with children, young people and vulnerable adults undergo PVG certification, we now need to ensure that those in our NMNC congregation who undertake such work are PVG'd.

Those involved should have had an email advising what you need to do to update your PVG status, if you still require this. Please check your spam folder if you haven't seen this.
If you are unsure about Disclosure Scotland, PVG requirements and your obligations in this regard, please speak with Sue.
We will also be looking at what training may be required to ensure that folk are aware of their and NMNC's responsibilities around safeguarding.


WhatsApp Image 2024-01-15 at 1
Let Us Pray Glasgow Conference

Join us on Saturday 17 February, 10am-12:40pm at Newton Mearns Baptist Church

Find out how the Scottish Government’s plans for a conversion therapy Bill could impact our ability to share the Gospel and raise our children in the faith.
The Government is due to launch a consultation tomorrow (9 January). The LGBT activists pushing for this Bill will be mobilising. So it’s absolutely crucial we get informed and get active.

The Scottish Government has launched its public consultation on banning ‘conversion therapy’, with a view to bringing forward legislation.
The consultation will run for twelve weeks and will be your opportunity to make your voice heard. With so much at stake, we can’t afford to stay silent.
The Christian Institute will be instructing a KC to look at the detail of the consultation proposals. 

Slavic Gospel Association

Ladies Conference

We invite you to join us and hear first-hand the way God is using His servants to serve vulnerable people and advance the Gospel. The conference will be held live on Zoom.
at 7:30pm on the 19th January.
Both speakers have a lot to share about the work that they are involved in and how God is working in Ukraine and Romania. 
In order to obtain the password for the link, please register in advance.

Register here for online link to the conference.




Local Church, Global Mission 
A day conference to help churches take initiative in identifying, training, sending & supporting workers for cross-cultural mission.

Date: Saturday 3 February 2024
Time: 9.30 for 9.45 start (refreshments and lunch included). We will finish at approx. 14.00.
Venue: Chalmers Church, Edinburgh
Click here for programme of the event.

If you are looking for more info or to plan travel for the day speak with Margo Mc and Catherine A who are both attending.

faith in kids
Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World 
Glasgow event!

Mon 22 Apr 2024 7:45 PM - 9:30 PM 
St Silas Church, 69 Park Road, Glasgow, G4 9JE

Pauline has been telling church parents about this - do you know anyone who might be interested?
Speak with Pauline  if you would like to go but need help with transport or childcare.

About the event

We all want our children to be confident of who they are and able to make good decisions for themselves, but they are hearing conflicting messages. They are told that they can define themselves by their achievements, popularity or how they feel, and that sexuality, morality and gender are just a question of personal choice. Too often, Christian parents feel nervous and intimidated talking to their children on the subjects of bodies, gender, sexuality and their sense of self.

This evening is to inspire parents and carers that they are God’s Plan A for showing their children the Bible’s better answers on these topics, which are neither surprising nor confusing to our creator God.

Ed will serve up an evening of Biblical truth and practical wisdom, presented with a side order of real-life stories and a generous sprinkling of humour. It is perfect for parents at every stage of family life, from birth through to the teenage years, as well as for grandparents, leaders and anyone else who wants to be part of the wonderful challenge of raising children to lead flourishing lives for Christ.

Guests will leave with

- Tools to help them talk to children about the issues that matter most to them and shape their decision-making and their behaviour.

- Greater clarity on how to tackle some cultural hot topics with children and young people.

- A renewed appreciation that a child’s heart is the control room for all of their decisions and a fresh desire to influence their heart for Christ.


ian white festival

Giving at NM New Church

There are a number of ways to support the church financially.  The giving page  gives details - click here
A number of people have been asking if cash or cheques can now be given. From this Sunday you will have the opportunity to leave offerings in the plate or basket on the table at the back of the church.
If you have any questions please speak to our Treasurer Sandy or email him on "

nmnc PNG
The New Church has a What's App Group for Prayer 

See magazine no.4 for an outline of how this Pray Now group operates.
Speak to Margaret Boyd if you would like to be added to this group or email your details to
You need WhatsApp on your phone to get set up

   nmnc online oogo
We aim to live stream our services on YouTube from our first Sunday. You can find the service here.
You can also find the service by searching on YouTube for Newton Mearns New Church.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-20 at 2

There are a number of activities each week involved in getting set up for each service...putting up this banner for instance!
We want the whole body of Christ to become involved in our new congregational life.
Should you wish to volunteer in any way, from the beginning, please do let us know. 
Please do consider volunteering if only for Sunday set up and take down.
We shall work out rosters over the coming weeks.

Planning your Visit