No.12 2nd February 2024
Hope this finds you well and avoiding the puddles.
Usual range of articles and news in the magazine this week - hope you find something of interest.
This week in our house we have had another series of photos sent from the other side of the world - our Rebecca and Rory are having the holiday of a lifetime in NZ.
We have been inundated with these photos from the sunny side of the world and some amazing images of God's creation. They are as impressive as they are annoying as we usually get them just before we scrape the ice off the car windscreen heading out to work.
In relation to that I have been enjoying 'This is my Father's World' song recently - there are a couple of links below. Sometimes you feel like putting a question mark at the end of that song title. Really... is God really in charge? Is He ruling? Completely? Those in the house groups have looked at this tricky question in the last week - James says consider even the trials as a joy - see them as part of what God is doing. I found some of these quotes about God's utter and complete sovereignty helpful - after all if he isn't in charge of everything, how can we really, fully put our trust in Him?
Kevin DeYoung: “For many Christians, coming to grips with God’s all-encompassing providence requires a massive shift in how they look at the world.”
Loraine Boettner: “Amid all the apparent defeats and inconsistencies of life God actually moves on in undisturbed majesty.”
Charles Spurgeon: “Cheer up, Christian! Things are not left to chance: no blind fate rules the world. God hath purposes, and those purposes are fulfilled. God hath plans, and those plans are wise, and never can be dislocated.”
Be encouraged - Our God reigns.
Enjoy the mag.
Sunday 4th February, 10.30am
David Trimble
Reading - Revelation ch4
This Sunday we welcome David Trimble – who is Minister in Training at Christ's Church Anniesland.(Where Jonathan DeGroot ministers, who joined us last month.)
David is also studying at the Cornhill Training Course.
Getting to Church: Should anyone require a lift to Belmont House School, then please do let us know. Please email
Scott & Anita
Scott is on leave this week. He and Anita moved in to the Manse in Jackton last weekend and we wish them well in their new home.
Their new address is 18 Nikka Drive, East Kilbride, G75 8FU
To go along with the wonderful truth that this is indeed our Father's world - here is a
link to a song to reflect on.
This is My Father's World - Fernando Ortega
Or a watch video
The Getty's performing it
Ladybird Book of NM New Church
Preparing for Easter
Easter Sunday in 30th March year.
Some people take time over Lent to focus their reading on the lead up to Easter week.
I will put some suggestion in next week's magazine - Lent starts on 14th Feb.
John Piper has a great little devotional book - 50 Reasons Jesus Came to Die
- just a couple of pages for each day looking at the message of the Cross for 50 different verses. Each day is packed with great Gospel truth.
If you start next Friday (9th) you can read a reason each day until Easter Weekend.
The book is still available on Amazon but you can read it or download for FREE here.
Scottish Government ‘conversion practices’
et Us Pray have produced a guide on how to respond to the consultation.
Click here to download.
It has a very clear, step by step guide through each stage of the web page where you can make your views known.
The Let Us Pray Glasgow Conference
Saturday 17 February
10am-12:40pm at Newton Mearns Baptist Church
Find out how the Scottish Government’s plans for a conversion therapy Bill could impact our ability to share the Gospel and raise our children in the faith.
The LGBT activists pushing for this Bill will be mobilising. So it’s absolutely crucial we get informed and get active.
The Scottish Government has launched its public consultation on banning ‘conversion therapy’, with a view to bringing forward legislation.
The consultation will run for twelve weeks and will be your opportunity to make your voice heard. With so much at stake, we can’t afford to stay silent.
The Christian Institute will be instructing a KC to look at the detail of the consultation proposals.
Midweek Prayer Meeting - Wednesday
All Welcome!
7.15 - 8.15pm
Meeting at Debbie and Sandy McDougall's.
If you need a lift please email
Apologies to those who felt it was mean to pick on Sue in last week's mag which showed her in action (inaction?).
To make up for it here is one equally entertaining - Jack G leading the way in clearing up after the service. 10x8 glossy copies available.
I can't quite remember what he said while this photo was being taken. Send in your best guesses by all means.
'Parenting for faith' are launching a book called Grandparenting for Faith and for the launch are hosting an online one-off, two hour, training event for grandparents on the morning of Thursday 8th February.
Tickets are £10 and available here:
Up and Coming Events
The magazine has flagged up a number of notices for events happening at Newton Mearns New Church and further afield.
See all the the details of the events below in Magazine No.10
Let Us Pray Glasgow Conference Saturday 17 February
New Church Congregational meeting and vote - February 25th.
Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World - Mon 22 April
Inspiration Orchestra Festival - Sat 25th May
Tuesdays at 1.30pm
in Newton Mearns Baptist Church.
Safeguarding at Newton Mearns New Church
Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Sue Anderson – 07970 261429
Giving at NM New Church
There are a number of ways to support the church financially. The giving page gives details - click here
A number of people have been asking if cash or cheques can now be given. From this Sunday you will have the opportunity to leave offerings in the plate or basket on the table at the back of the church.
If you have any questions please speak to our Treasurer Sandy or email him on "
The New Church has a What's App Group for Prayer
See magazine no.4 for an outline of how this Pray Now group operates.
Speak to Margaret Boyd if you would like to be added to this group or email your details to
You need WhatsApp on your phone to get set up
We aim to live stream our services on YouTube from our first Sunday. You can find the service here.
You can also find the service by searching on YouTube for Newton Mearns New Church.
There are a number of activities each week involved in getting set up for each service...putting up this banner for instance!
We want the whole body of Christ to become involved in our new congregational life.
Should you wish to volunteer in any way, from the beginning, please do let us know.
Please do consider volunteering if only for Sunday set up and take down.
We shall work out rosters over the coming weeks.