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 No.13      9th February 2024   



There are details about the future of the New Church below, so amidst a range of articles and notices please take time to read these.

In the wider church world, if you are looking to take part in the Scottish Govt consultation about prayer then the link for that is below too and the public meeting is next Sat at NMBC. 

Regarding the church I read an article about 'future proofing' the church, ie what will it look like in the years to come and what do we do to make it go in the right trajectory. A lot of that thinking may come up on the discussions on the Free Church - but from the article I read this stuck with me - what do you think?
“So let’s determine to put time and energy into building resilient churches that take forgiveness seriously in a cancel culture, practice deep community as more and more people live alone, offer costly generosity in an era that worships self-care, and discern how to navigate a culture given over to technique and technology when it comes to sex and the body."
At the very time it feels safer to dial faith down, to put our hope and interests into our “panelled houses” (Hag. 1:4), a deeper, stronger Christianity is the answer.

Enjoy the mag.
sunday morning

Sunday 11th February, 10.30am

Scott Kirkland
Reading - Romans ch2, 3
Sacrament of Baptism
followed by refreshments after the service

Getting to Church:  Should anyone require a lift to Belmont House School, then please do let us know. Please email

From the (new) Manse

Dear Congregation, 

On moving manse…

Anita and I have now moved from the MMCC manse to a new rented Newton Mearns New Church manse in Jackton.  
Many thanks to the team of men who helped us move so efficiently on the 26th January. The photos suggest we spent more time talking and eating Pamela’s lunch than working but it is not true! They worked tirelessly. 
(And some great dance moves there from LR too! - Ed)

helpers 3

We handed back the keys of the old manse to the Interim Moderator, Rev Adam Dillon on Wednesday 31st January. Adam was very pleasant, kind and generous in all his comments. Anita and I are now settling nicely into our new home. We will hope to extend hospitality at the new manse in due course. 

On moving church…

From my arrival as minister in 2011, a number of elders and congregation began speaking to me about their concerns regarding the trajectory of The Church of Scotland.  
However, it was at the beginning of 2023 that the elders and I began a serious period of discussion, reflection and prayer about this matter. Over the following six months we came to two unanimous conclusions: 

  • That we should leave The Church of Scotland as a congregation 
  • That we should seek to join The Free Church of Scotland  

The first of these conclusions was put into effect on 12th November 2023 when Newton Mearns New Church was born. 
The congregation of Newton Mearns New Church will now vote on the second of these conclusions on the 25th February. Details of how this vote will be conducted are set out below in an article by our Session Clerk, Alastair McLellan.  

We shall have Rev Paul Clark with us next Sunday. Several of us have been blessed by Paul’s ministry when we have attended St Andrews Free Church. Paul has agreed to share with us in a Q&A session after worship.  
Please send me questions which I can ask Paul to address next Sunday.  
Paul has come into the Free Church from the Church of England and is now convenor of The Board of Ministry.  

I thought it may be helpful to remind you of some of the reasons why the elders concluded that the Free Church is a good destination for New Church. Please see the attached document. Click here

With warmest regards,? 

The opportunity to express support 
for Newton Mearns New Church 
joining the Free Church of Scotland

FCOS 01c

The Newton Mearns New Church (NMNC) Kirk Session has recommended that we should join the denomination of the Free Church of Scotland, and this would happen at the Free Church’s General Assembly in May 2024, if supported by the NMNC congregation.
Members will be given the opportunity to vote on this.
Full details of the VOTING PROCESS can be accessed HERE to allow you to prepare for this meeting on the 25th February.
The following Questions will outline the voting process, and answers are dealt with this in document:
Q1. Who is overseeing the voting process?
Q2. When will I get my voting paper?
Q3. When and where will the vote take place?
Q4. What will I be asked to vote on, and what responses can I choose from?

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WhatsApp Image 2024-02-06 at 0


The Midweek prayer meeting will meet this coming Wednesday at the temporary location of: 1 Woodside Drive, Waterfoot, G76 0HD

Usual time, 7.15-8.15pm.
If you need a lift please email

cafe connect

This week 32 of us gathered together to enjoy each other’s company along with delicious home baking.

Debbie stretched our bodies with some armchair exercises then stretched our minds as she brought the Bible Connect looking at how God is faithful to his people even when we so often let him down.
Next week for Bible Connect we look forward to welcoming David Merriman. Why not come and join us!

Lent Reading

Starts 14th February.
Journey To The Cross: Readings and Devotions For Lent by Kendal Haug and Will Walker 
Matt Smethurst writes (from Gospel Coalition website)
"Lent strikes many Protestants as the exclusive domain of Roman Catholics, but this season can serve any Christian as a unique time of preparation and repentance as we anticipate the death and resurrection of Jesus. On the Christian calendar, Lent (from Latin, meaning “fortieth”) is the 40 days beginning on Ash Wednesday and leading up to Easter Sunday. (Sundays aren’t counted, but generally set aside as days of renewal and celebration—“mini-Easters” of sorts.) Whatever you might think about popular practices, Kendal Haug and Will Walker argue Lent is “first and foremost about the gospel making its way deeper into our lives.” and their devotional is a great resource to draw one closer to Christ.
Each day follows the same pattern which is call to worship, confession, contemplation, and closing prayer. Each week also focuses on a different theme such as repentance, suffering, lament, death, sacrifice, etc. I hope this encourages you in your walk with the Lord and I pray that it allow you to grow closer to the God who saved us!"

To download your free copy of  “Journey To The Cross: Readings and Devotions” click here

Preparing for Easter

Alongside or an alternative to the above devotionals...
50 reasons

John Piper has a great little book- 50 Reasons Jesus Came to Die
- just a couple of pages for each day looking at the message of the Cross for 50 different verses. Each day is packed with great Gospel truth.
If you start on the 9th you can read a reason each day until Easter Weekend. 
The book is still available on Amazon but you can access it for FREE here. 

Scottish Government ‘conversion practices’



Let Us Pray have produced a guide on how to respond to the consultation. Click here to download.
It has a very clear, step by step guide through each stage of the web page where you can make your views known.

The Let Us Pray Glasgow Conference  

Saturday 17 February
10am-12:40pm at Newton Mearns Baptist Church

Find out how the Scottish Government’s plans for a conversion therapy Bill could impact our ability to share the Gospel and raise our children in the faith.
The LGBT activists pushing for this Bill will be mobilising. So it’s absolutely crucial we get informed and get active.

The Scottish Government has launched its public consultation on banning ‘conversion therapy’, with a view to bringing forward legislation.
The consultation will run for twelve weeks and will be your opportunity to make your voice heard. With so much at stake, we can’t afford to stay silent.
The Christian Institute will be instructing a KC to look at the detail of the consultation proposals. 



There are a number of activities each week involved in getting set up for each service...

I'm sure you have enjoyed welcomes from those in the carpark and the front door on a Sunday. 
Or a cuppa from the hatch being ready for you after the service.

We want the whole body of Christ to become involved in our new congregational life.
Should you wish to volunteer in any way, please do let us know. 

Full instructions are given for any of the serving and you are part of a team.
Speak with Margo for more information -email

Ladybird Book of New Church

Ladybird book of height

NMNC  main master trans.png

You might notice a new logo being used around the church  - 

As those on the Comms group discussed what was wanted, it was agreed that the Bible and the central message of the Cross was to be the focus.
We gather round the Word in our meetings on Sunday and other times, and we hold to it as the revealed Word of God for us today.

More and more the removal of Christian truths and ethics from our society will be a challenge to this. This is a watershed for us as Christians.
The obvious ones regarding sexuality, and sexual practices will put us squarely at odds with our family and friends, as will believing in a God who has authority to speak as our Creator.
If you are used to answering questions and giving a reason for certain beliefs by saying 'I'm a Christian', someone may well say, 'but that person/church over there say they are Christian and they don't bother.'
If you counter with, 'I believe the Bible', it will be challenged with, 'It's out of date'.
If you say, 'I think the Bible is God's Word' it will be challenged with 'Why do you think that? It's just what men wrote down at that time.' 
And so on... are you ready to be confident with friends and colleagues in being clear about what AND WHY you believe and live as you do?


The 'Secular Creed' is one we know well - the statements above present a challenge to whether or not we will bring the Bible to bear in how we engage with the world
-so how can we be confident in believing the Bible when the pressure is on - eg. when we get challenged about beliefs: 'Is Opposing Gay Marriage Just as Bad as Supporting Slavery?' 
Again some Christians/churches might say, 'Bible is wrong here, but right here, and out of date here.'. 
Over the next few weeks the Magazine will flag up some key ways to take this seriously because it is key for us and the next generation to be sure about things!
Here is a short talk to get us started. Tim Keller is asked "Isn't the Bible historically unreliable and regressive?"  Click here

Up and Coming Events

The magazine has flagged up a number of notices for events happening at Newton Mearns New Church and further afield.
See all the the details of the events below in Magazine No.10 here.
  • Let Us Pray Glasgow Conference  Saturday 17 February
  • New Church Congregational meeting and vote - February 25th. 
  • Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World  -  Mon 22 April
  • Inspiration Orchestra Festival - Sat 25th May


Safeguarding at Newton Mearns New Church
Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All 
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Sue Anderson – 07970 261429 

ian white festival

Giving at NM New Church

There are a number of ways to support the church financially.  The giving page  gives details - click here
A number of people have been asking if cash or cheques can now be given. From this Sunday you will have the opportunity to leave offerings in the plate or basket on the table at the back of the church.
If you have any questions please speak to our Treasurer Sandy or email him on "

nmnc PNG
The New Church has a What's App Group for Prayer 

See magazine no.4 for an outline of how this Pray Now group operates.
Speak to Margaret Boyd if you would like to be added to this group or email your details to
You need WhatsApp on your phone to get set up

   nmnc online oogo
We live stream our services on YouTube from our first Sunday. You can find the service here.
You can also find the service by searching on YouTube for Newton Mearns New Church.

Planning your Visit