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No.4   14th June, 2024


It is always good to be thankful to God for all His kindness to changes our disposition and outlook on life, how we react to disappointments and hardships. It also keeps us 'right' when the sun is shining, we are winning and on the front foot ie. we avoid being like the leper in Luke ch17 who was healed and forgot to come back and say 'Thank you'. Paul reminds us that we are never far from the age old problem of worshipping the created things and not the Creator Himself.
I read this recently - it was about how the truth of the resurrection of Jesus changes everything... this world is not just going to wind down to nothing - there will be a renewing of all things, and the Lord coming out of the grave was the just start of things.
"The disposition of those in the light of the resurrection is, time and time again in the Bible, one of praise and song. It might seem somewhat peculiar or peripheral to argue that one crucial consequence of the resurrection of that Christianity is a singing faith. Other religions have chants and meditations, but throughout history Christianity has set a particular emphasis on celebratory, happy song. The reason is that, have been rescued by superabundant grace and united to a resurrected and triumphant Christ, the Christian cannot but adopt a posture of grateful participation in the victory over death that has already been secured." Christopher Watkin

We actually have a new kids song this week and it touches on these areas, in that yes, we may have ups and downs but the Lord remains faithful, the Salvation Work is complete and we can be like the leper who returned, glorifying God!  The link for that song is below as is the link for the tune for Psalm 102 we will use on Sunday -played on an old organ - it's what is called catering for all tastes.

I hear there is also an Election going on at the moment, and being up to date as ever we have info from both Eastwood Ecumenical Peace and Justice Forum and the Christian Institute...and with those two groups that may be catering for all tastes on steroids!!

Enjoy the mag. It's packed this week.

sunday morning

Sunday 16th June, 10.30am

Rev Scott Kirkland 
Scripture - Romans ch11

If you would prefer to have a large print copy of the song words which appear on the screen on a Sunday morning let the door team know. 
We don't want to print copies which aren't used so just the team know and we can organise that for you.

If you require a lift to get to church email

Songs for Sunday

all the glory kids song
I mentioned above the new Kids song for Sunday  - click and listen here.

At the other end of the spectrum is the tune for Psalm 102 that we are using on Sunday- it is 
here with the catchy title 'Darwall’s 148th' and played beautifully on an old organ.

Busy Church

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another." Hebrews 10:24-25
"God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:9:
"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3

busy church

A quick overview of Mearns Free Church - Sunday 9th June
It's a busy place...

  • folks enjoying a catch up over cup of tea (thanks kitchen team!)
  • 'Community Week' team waiting for lunchtime meeting
  • people being welcomed back to church after being poorly recently
  • chairs and tech equipment being cleared away for another week
  • families from different countries and cultures
  • young people setting up a table for lunch
  • kids back downstairs to parents after being at Hizkidz
  • PVG team organising paper work
  • people getting ready to sign up and be compliant in their service
  • students home for the weekend catching up
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-10 at 1

and all under the watchful eye of the Creche and Hizkidz!

Letter from the Manse 

Dear Congregation,

I appreciate that meeting on a Friday evening to decide a constitution for a new church does not compete well with Taylor Swift (who was creating seismic movements in Edinburgh) or the Scotland football team (breaking our hearts again with a draw at Hampden) or the line-up of political leaders debating live on TV. Many thanks to the forty or so who managed along to Belmont last Friday night.
We now have a constitution that includes a Finance Committee. The elders are charged with the spiritual well-being of the congregation, the Finance Committee with the care of financial and physical assets.
The Finance Committee (FC) is comprised of the eight elders (Alastair, Andrew, Charles, David, Jack, John, Murray, and Sandy) and all annually elected members of the congregation. At the congregational meeting, Catherine, Daniel, Lawrence, Lorna, Margo and Tom were elected until the next congregational meeting. I will chair the Finance Committee.

We met for the first time as a Committee on Monday night. With so much ground to cover as a first meeting, we did not pause for two and a half hours. I trust that future meetings will be briefer! Please pray for the leaders of the congregation (elders and FC). I know each is taking the responsibility given to them very seriously.

On a different matter… I don’t think I have ever referred you to a denominational website before as a source of encouragement and edification!  However, I do want to encourage you to explore the Free Church Website.
So many of us still have little knowledge of the Free Church and the understanding that some of us may have is dated, even skewed by a generalised mischaracterization. You will find the website here. I have not explored every “tab” or read every article. However, what I have read, I have found beneficial and interesting.

For example, the website has Free Church responses to Government consultations (here), excellent sermons from various Free Churches (here), latest news here. It is best to go the website and explore its breadth.
On the website and deep within the reports of this year’s General Assembly is a report on the “Establishment Principle”. In short, The Establishment Principle essentially describes the relationship between the Church and the State. It details the sphere in which both operate but with God-given interrelationships. This “Principle” has been at the heart of understanding this relationship between the national Church in Scotland and the State since the Reformation in 1560.  
What I found fascinating was that this report was commissioned because of the Government legislation that closed churches for worship during the COVID pandemic. The report attempts to bring the relevance of this ancient biblical understanding to 21st-century church in Scotland.  (It is deep in the General Assembly reports here page 44.)

Talking of the Government… Are you already bored with the constant stream of sound-bites about the upcoming election? We have to fight apathy and boredom.
We have to prayerfully seek to discern who might best lead our country to allow the church of Jesus Christ to have a “peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2..2). When we reflect on this, knowing that so many “kings of the earth” set themselves up against “the saints of the Lord and His anointed” it is tempting to think that as believers we should keep away from elections, or consider them irrelevant.
However, be encouraged that Psalm 2.1-6 reminds us that when such civic opposition to the Lord arises, He laughs! But we must remember this is God’s way for maintaining society in a fallen world. It is important who leads – even though they are here today and gone tomorrow. As the Scriptures says; He makes kingdoms rise and He makes kingdoms fall. The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes (Daniel 4:32).  However, we have a God-given part in our democracy, to weigh up the candidates and vote.
So let’s listen to the debates, the name-calling and put-downs, let’s try to understand the “Manifestos” and “Contracts” and take our part, prayerfully and seriously as we cast our votes.  Three weeks to go!
Warmest regards, 

It was 25 years ago...

"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD." Proverbs 18:22

As mentioned in the magazine last week there are 4 Silver Wedding Anniversaries being celebrated this year by Mearns Free Church least that's all we know about!
Andrew and Susan Little are below. And then below, with what is the raciest image we have ever been allowed in the magazine, are Chris and Kirsty Bell. 


Susan is looking fab, and Andrew has the uncertain smile of someone who either realises he must be dreaming or has just been told he is going to have 3 boys.


Chris was actually just waiting at this tree for his friends to turn up for a kickabout in the park when the lovely Kirsty decided she had other plans for him...which, being the smart lad he is, he went along with.

Two more Silver Weddings next week...
John & Sandra and Graham & Catherine

Join Us for a

Family Picnic at Dean Castle!
We’re excited to invite you to an all-age family picnic after the Sunday school service on June 23, 2024, at Dean Castle Country Park.
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024
Time: After Sunday Service
Location: Dean Castle Country Park, Kilmarnock

What to Expect:
    Fun games for all ages
    Beautiful picnic spots

What to Bring:
    Your own picnic food and drinks
    Blankets/chairs to sit on

Join us for a delightful day of fellowship and fun in the great outdoors. We look forward to seeing you there! (Back up plan in case of rain in place)

Scott recently reminded us about the beautiful feet of those who bring good news (Rom10:15). 
And if you want to read about how some amazing people are doing this in remarkable ways then take a look at the latest edition of UFM Worldwide's magazine 
- you can read, amongst other things, about language learning in the Middle East, youth ministry in Kenya, a martyr in Kurdistan and the spiritual situation in Georgia. 
You can also sign up to receive it directly by email here.
But this week we have managed to get some paper copies for Mearns Free Church to get us up to speed...look out for one on Sunday, especially if you can't access online.

Giving at Mearns Free Church

Sandy, our Treasurer, gave an update on our Church finances at the Congregational Meeting, explaining how our giving will migrate over to Mearns Free Church over the Summer period.
We will start the OSCR charity registration process for Mearns Free Church now that the Congregation has approved our new Constitution ie. once we have our OSCR registration then we can apply to open a bank account, and when it is open, start to move our givings over to Mearns Free Church. The timing is rather uncertain for these 2 steps, but Sandy will keep us updated.

In the meantime we can continue to give to NM New Church, and it will continue to meet all of our costs. We therefore don't need to take any action in the short term.
As ever, please don't hesitate to contact Sandy if you have any questions at all regarding the changeover process and timeline. 

Hustings Event - June 24th

Eastwood Ecumenical Peace and Justice Forum have organised an election hustings event at 7.30pm on Monday June 24th at Eastwood House - in Eastwood Park, Rouken Glen Rd.
East Renfrewshire constituency candidates from the five main political parties will be present.
Come along to hear what they say and to put your own questions to them. 


The Christian Institute has suggested we all ask our electoral candidates or their canvassers these questions  to find out where they stand on issues of concern for Christians

CI election

There is more info on the attachment linked here, .
More info available at:

Ladybird Book of Mearns Free Church

 Ladybird book of election

Mearns Free Church

Community Week

5th - 9th August

EricLiddell OlympicAthleteandM
The Paris 2024 Olympics marks 100 years since Eric Liddell famously won the 400 metres in the 1924 Paris Olympics.
Join us for a week of activities for all ages as we explore more about the life and faith of a Scottish sporting legend whose heart lay in China.

All activities will take place at Belmont House School, home of Mearns Free Church, and are free to attend.



Come and hear praise & worship from our largest-ever 400+ voice choir, PG Youth Choir, live band and special guest Alvin Slaughter?
This link let's you hear from the guest speaker as they look forward to being in Scotland.
All the details for tickets are in last week's magazine
This year our concerts are on a Saturday afternoon (22 June) and a Sunday evening (23 June) at the Glasgow Concert Hall so you have a choice of times to suit your weekend.
Tickets are available online so please book them now to get the best seats.  The GRCH Booking Office number is : 0141 353 8000 or online
Elizabeth Smith, Christine Maddock and Ian Forgie are involved this year and we would be delighted to see you there!

Prayer News and Job Vacancy

Monthly prayer letter is here.

Trusts and Communications Assistant

Full-time, 35 hours/week, £28,000 - £33,000 p.a. dependent on experience
We wish to appoint a Trusts and Communications Assistant to join our Marketing and Fundraising Team in our Head Office in Glasgow city centre.
Details here.

Safeguarding in Mearns Free Church


One of our priorities now that we are in the Free Church is to ensure that we comply with the Free Church’s safeguarding policy and processes. Our safeguarding team is here to help everyone to do what is required; our safeguarding team comprises Sue Anderson (Safeguarding Coordinator) and Ian Forgie (Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator) assisted by Marlene Smith, Sue Amery-Behr and Alastair McLellan.

The Free Church’s safeguarding policy requires everyone who is working with children (including in the holiday club and one-off events), with young people and with vulnerable adults (including Café Connect) to do the following:

Read and become familiar with the Free Church’s safeguarding policy: Read here.
Complete a self-disclosure form for declaring convictions (to be completed and returned directly to the Free Church’s Legal and Compliance Officer ( Link to form here
Have a brief interview with the safeguarding team to check your ID. This link is to a form that shows what forms of ID are required:   The team will also complete a form confirming your roles and contributions to the work in Mearns Free Church requiring  safeguarding, and confirming your familiarity with the safeguarding policy.
We will arrange times for these brief interviews after Sunday worship over the coming weeks.

Disclosure Scotland (via the Free Church) will then send you a link to the PVG form either to complete for the first time or to update to reflect that work requiring safeguarding is now being undertaken within the Free Church.
Everyone should also undergo the Free Church’s safeguarding training over the coming months. We are exploring the feasibility of arranging a ‘whole church’ training session –
 –it is uncertain whether this can be done. In the meantime the Free Church does have availability on their online training sessions and you are encouraged to sign up for these via their Safeguarding Training Booking webpage here.



If you’re a dad, mum, grandparent or anyone wanting to help children build strong emotional wellbeing, join us for this popular event.
by Care for the Family

Thursday, June 20 · 7:30 - 10pm 
C7 Conference Centre100 High Craighall Road Glasgow G4 9UD

Event info and booking here
Anxiety levels and struggles with mental health are on the rise in children and young people, and as mums and dads, this can feel overwhelming … even at times debilitating. But there’s good news! You, as parents, have incredible power to help your children build strong emotional resilience and healthy mental wellbeing.
A Mind of Their Own is packed with simple and effective strategies for you to use at home, helping you to better understand what’s going on in your child’s head. Together with Katharine Hill and Sim Dendy, we’ll explore the science of the mind, and why children act and react the way they do.
Featuring interviews with mental health professionals, Dr Rob Waller and Dr Kate Middleton, this event will expand your understanding of the unique pressures and opportunities facing young people today, so you can help your child develop an emotional resiliency that lasts.

We are in part 4 of a new series looking at aspects of the Gospel. Don Carson has a short booklet based on this exposition of 1 Corinthians 15:1-19 from the plenary address at The Gospel Coalition's inaugural public conference in 2007
You can buy it here.


I shall try to bring things to clarity by focusing on eight summarizing words (six of which were first suggested by John Stott), five clarifying sentences, and one evocative summary.
1. The Gospel Is Christological; It Is Christ-Centered
2. The Gospel is Theological

3. The Gospel Is Biblical

“Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures . . . he was buried . . . he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (15:3–4). What biblical texts Paul has in mind, he does not say. He may have had the kind of thing Jesus himself taught, after his resurrection, when “he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself ” (Luke 24:27; cf. vv. 44–46). Perhaps he was thinking of texts such as Psalm 16 and Isaiah 53, used by Peter on the day of Pentecost, or Psalm 2, used by Paul himself in Pisidian Antioch, whose interpretation depends on a deeply evocative but quite traceable typology. Elsewhere in 1 Corinthians Paul alludes to Christ as “our Passover . . . sacrificed for us” (5:5) — so perhaps he could have replicated the reasoning of the author of the Letter to the Hebrews, who elegantly traces out some of the ways in which the Old Testament Scriptures, laid out in a salvation-historical grid, announce the obsolescence of the old covenant and the dawning of the new covenant, complete with a better tabernacle, a better priesthood, and a better sacrifice. What is in any case very striking is that the apostle grounds the gospel, the matters of first importance, in the Scriptures—he has what we call the Old Testament in mind—and then in the witness of the apostles—and thus what we call the New Testament. The gospel is biblical.

Continued next week...

Where's Wally

Prize for the first person who lets Margaret B. know where they found Wally in the Magazine!
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-09 at 0

B.Y.O.C. please

it makes such a difference if people bring their own cups rather than using the disposable ones each week - can you help?


You can watch a live stream our services on YouTube each week.

You can find the service here and don't forget to click SUBSCRIBE
If you have friends/relatives who can't manage out they can simply search on YouTube for Newton Mearns New Church.

Wednesdays 7.15-8.15pm.

Look out for details this week on email/whatsapp
If you need a lift please email

pray now

Mearns Free Church has a What's App Group for Prayer 

Here are some details on what it is about... read to the bottom and then find out how you can be involved...

A platform to share information regarding a sudden need of prayer
i.e somewhat pressing in their nature or even viewed as an emergency / crisis, and often personal in content.
(As opposed to regular prayer meeting issues, national/world issues etc typically part of a church prayer meeting.)
There is also the opportunity to add a follow up, e.g ‘still an issue, keep in your prayers’ or ‘thanksgiving for answered prayer’ type of message.

PNG WhatsApp Members:
Because of the nature of the requests (i.e often personal) the PNG WhatsApp group will be exclusively for New Church members and those known to us by their regular worship with NMNC. Typically, a prayer request will be expected from someone in the church or their immediate family member/friend. 
Adding prayer requests. 
Prayer points may be added by the group administrators and at their discretion.
Speak to Margaret Boyd if you would like to be added to this group or email your details to
You need WhatsApp on your phone to get set up.


Planning your Visit